LA Music Copyright Attorney

The Los Angeles (LA) music industry is constantly changing.  One of the biggest changes that could affect all recording artist and record labels is the introduction of the Fair Play Fair Pay Act earlier this year.  No the Act hasn’t gone into law but there is big debate over its benefits for music performers and how it could change the U.S. Copyright Act.

Some believe that its more detrimental to new acts then it helps because it would require over the air (free) radio stations to start paying bands, music acts, and record labels everything their music is played.  This would incentivize the radio stations to only play popular acts and ignore newer bands.

The Act would proposed many other changes, including requiring pre 1972 recording music to be paid as well.

If you like to get more information on the proposed changes, you can read a LA music copyright attorney’s comments on the Act below:

Music Copyright


Protecting Your Los Angeles Websites

As business owners and entrepreneurs, we are all constantly looking for new ways to protect one of our most precious assets in the form of our Internet presence in the world wide web.  Many of us or companies life line to our source of sales is through our Internet websites.  Because of their importance to financial prosperity, we need to take certain actions to protect these assets.

One of the best ways to protect your websites is to consult with an attorney and trademark your logo, service or product names.  You should also copyright your website.  Doing these two basic things will enable you to keep people from infringing or stealing your business ideas and goodwill.

Talking with a Internet attorney might also convince you to copyright all your marketing materials and sales literature.  The city of Los Angeles is very competitive so you might want to consider having your employees sign agreements that prevent them from using your trade secrets should they leave and try to start their own business.

These are some of the things that you can do to protect your business through talking with a Los Angeles Internet attorney.